River Canal Rescue has launched Bilgeaway, a product it describes as the world’s first truly environmentally-friendly bilge discharge filter’. Bilgeaway uses a non-toxic solution to extract hydrocarbon contaminants (petrol, diesel, engine oil etc) from water and render them non-reactive, leaving environmentally-friendly contents in a cartridge which can be disposed of and the housing re-used. River Canal Rescue tell us the product is a ‘first’ because while other filter systems trap hydrocarbons, they fail to de-contaminate them, transferring the disposal problem elsewhere (typically a landfill site causing further land-based contamination).

10 inch filter (cruisers and single engine vessels producing below 80bhp): £149 / replacement cartridge filter: £34.99

20 inch filter (larger cruisers, wide beam boats and vessels with single or twin engines exceeding 80bhp): £274.80 / replacement cartridge filter: £79.99

25 per cent discount available* – Quote BA25 at check out.


*See Bilgeaway website for T&Cs

The post Bilgeway appeared first on All At Sea.